
Thursday 26 September 2013

Kombi Rocks

Passing by this place several times, we always exclaim we must come here one day. Finally we did!

This vintage cafe offers thai, cze char menu and if you need a ride, you can arrange for a kombi ride too.

I love vintage stuff! The interior of the cafe is decorated with lotsa vintage stuff. And if you need to rent a kombi for an event or wedding, they provide rentals too.

Kombi Rocks Menu

A vespa on display in the cafe.

There are lotsa of these little kombis on display. You can buy them too.

The story behind Kombi Rocks.

Vintage fans!

Icy Kickapoo drink! That is so so old school. ;)

This handmade prawn roll 'ngoh hiang' is so so flavourful. It's so good that my kiddo said 'Good'!

I found this mee goreng a tad too oily.

And the hor fun portion a tad too little. Otherwise the taste is alright. 

The cafe is good for chilling out. Not sure how's the rest of the food like but may head back another time to try others.

Vintage cars and kombis can be seen parking outside the cafe.

These kombis are so well-maintained.

Will I Return to this Outlet: Yes
Got Service: 6/10


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