
Sunday, 12 January 2014

Challenger @ WestGate

To be frank, I have visited several Challengers islandwide.

The most frequent one has got to be the Nex outlet. But most of the times, service is not that great.

It's my first time visting Challenger @ WestGate as I was looking for a Samsung Note 8.0 tablet. I bought my tablet and was given a 16gb micro sd card. A few days later, the card wasn't working well. Not sure if it was the card or the tablet, I called Challenger. Ms Yi Wen (the same lady who attended to me when I bought the tablet) answered the call. She helped to check the stock availability in case I had to do a one to one exchange for my tablet. She didn't want to put me on hold while she check the stock status and said she will call back.

Usually someone says they will call back... I tend to take it with a pinch of salt. Because some really don't call back.

Boy! I was surprised when Ms Yi Wen called back shortly. She managed to find a tablet (it was running out of stock) from another outlet and said she will head down on Saturday to pick it up so that I can go down on Sunday to do the exchange if required.

On Sunday, I reached the outlet and shared with her the problem I faced. She was patient in trying to seek the solution to the problem. Ms Yi Wen tested the micro sd card on her phone several times and even got the Samsung promoter to test it on his phone too to make sure that the problem does not lie on the card. We also tested the card on a new tablet and it still didnt work. Weirdly, the card can be read from 'My Files' on the tablet but when in 'Gallery', it cannot be read. We spent a good hour or so trying to find out the problem. In the end, Ms Yi Wen and Ms Chloe decided to open up a new micro sd card, transfer the files on my card to the new one to test and see if it works. Oh well, it did!

Looks like its the micro sd card that is faulty.

Anyway, it was painful I had to make a trip all the way to the West for this but I'm thankful that the girls at Challenger @ WestGate had been most helpful and patient. Never once did they show any signs of unwillingness to help me with the problem.

They even assured me that if I still face any problems with the tablet even though its been 7 days, I can still look for time. A little service and assurance really goes a long way.

Thank you!

Got Service: 9/10

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