
Sunday, 1 June 2014

Fun with Balloons @ AMK Hub

An after dinner window shopping at AMK Hub brought us some surprised delights. At the event plaza, we chanced upon some pretty looking balloons and realized there is a balloon event - Fun with Balloons going on from 31 May to 8 June.

In recent years, beautifully sculpted balloons are more commonly seen in Singapore. It is getting better and better each time.

Not only kids are delighted to see these beautiful creation... so are the adults!

It really takes a lot of effort to sculpt a balloon into an item or an animal. But so far viewers are a good bunch of people who appreciates this effort because I have yet seen anyone breaking the balloons and causing disaster to the sculpted balloons on display. Kudos to all these viewers for being so civic minded. Hehehehe

There was a Q for kids to get free balloon sculpting. But unfortunately when we saw, we were told the Q has closed, much to the disappointment of my boy and he cried! Actually, would be nice if they could give out something simple and made beforehand to those who came after the Q has closed. At least that way the kids wont get too disappointed. After all this event is more for them right?

Anyway, such a surprise find is always nice. That wrapped up my weekend nicely. :))))

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