
Sunday 15 December 2013

Christmas Show @ Jurong Point: My Little Pony

My Little Pony is making a comeback! This used to be one of the cartoons I caught when I was young. This time, Jurong Point has brought them in for the Christmas show. I guess besides it getting traction with kids, come 2014 lunar new year, it's the year of the horse. So it is quite apt to have a My Little Pony theme.

The ponies mascot are quite cute and quite bulky actually.

There were three ponies on stage. Guess which is my favourite? :)

I seriously think the stage is too small for the ponies. They hardly have space to dance and when they need to turn, they had to be extremely careful in order not to knock into the other ponies. C'mon Jurong Point! You could have done better than this! Why put the stage at that corner? Also, there weren't much space for the kids to sit and it's so cramp near the escalator.



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